The last files from this newsgroup are availables
( System )
( concerned with the Figaro image processing and data analysis package )
Archive of Starlink Newsgroups
An archive of the Starlink newsgroups, in the hierarchy,
is kept in Cambridge. This gives read access to the
newsgroups to interested parties who do not have the newsgroups
on their local news server. The articles in the archive
are sorted by subject to make following threads easier.
CFD codes list
The CFD codes list contains an
information about commercial and public domain software used in
field of Computational Fluid Dynamics, e.g., PPM and Roe
hi-resolution shock-capturing codes,
and P3M techniques.
The list
is posted on regular
basis to the USENET newsgroup sci.physics.computational.fluid-dynamics.
NAS/NRC Space Studies Board
The SSB is an
advisory board within the National Research Council, which is in
turn the operational arm of the National Academies of Sciences
and Engineering. The SSB operates a number of standing committees
and task groups that perform studies in space science and
policy for the federal government.
Amateur astronomy equipment, techniques, info, etc.
( an unmoderated newsgroup )
which provides a forum for the discussion of all topics
concerning the FITS [Flexible Image Transport System] data format. It
is interfaced to the Email exploder (send requests to so that traffic originating on either the newsgroup on
the exploder is automatically transmitted to the other. This newsgroup
replaced newsgroup alt.sci.astro.fits in March 1992.
( a moderated newsgroup concerned with the Hubble Space Telescope )
This newsgroup is intended to complement the substantial efforts of
the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, where support of
the many users of the facility originates. The group will
serve as a platform for problems, requests, suggestions and needs
of the scientific community as they use the Telescope to
further their research. Accordingly input from the Institute to the
discussions will be vital, and several members of that facility
have indicated their interest and willingness to participate fully.
There is an Archive for the newsgroup.
This archive is intended for materials pertinent to the discussions
in the newsgroup sci.astro.hubble, part of the USENET news structure.
Valid items for placement here are large datasets, public domain
software (in compressed tarfile form), imagery (GIF preferred) and Postscript
renderings of relevant papers on the topic of data processing
in connection with Space Telescope. - README .
The archive contains a form which executes
WAIS searches on the archive.
sci.astro.research Archive
( SAR Archive )
Information about the sci.astro.research Usenet newsgroup
sci.astro.research FTP Archive
( SAR FTP Archive )
Information about the sci.astro.research Usenet newsgroup
( a moderated newsgroup related to astrophysics research )
This is a moderated newsgroup created specifically for research related
topics in astronomy & astrophysics. The submission address is,
and the information address is An anonymous ftp archive
in [] at . The SAR archive now has
a Web page .
( an unmoderated Usenet newsgroup )
for discussing the modeling, storage, and retrieval of scientific data.
The purpose of the newsgroup is to facilitate discussing use
of scientific data formats such as HDF, netCDF, FITS, and
various others. Topics of discussion could include problems encountered using
specific formats, questions about where to get the code for
data format programs, discussions of specific uses of data format
programs, etc. Readers of the group are typically scientists (and
software developers) who use data formats/models such as HDF, netCDF,
and other such programs.
Updated on 96/9/16 8:38 GMT by Sergio Paoli